Re: help for not "Match all word only" in search feature

Hmmm; the implementation for this is not quite
the hard part (but still tough); the hard part is 
brain-farting a standard that everyone will be comfortable with.

consider "attenti[ov][ne]" which by bash standards
will yield either "attention" or "attentive" (or of
course the bad matches attentioe and attentivn).

It's also harder to do this in a text file;
consider the string "*." and lets say that
your text file end in a "." (terminating a sentence);
your search risks returning the entire document as 
a match.

(of course when parsing the unice `struct dirent'
you can rely on standard filelengths and the face
that filenames are matches; not the end of one filename
concatenated withe the beginning of the next).

Maybe strict single phrase only matching is your solution ?

in Microsoft word and many application of windows, there is "search"
feature which we could find some string in text.
how about the "wildcard".
Hmmm; lets hope we beat them to it ;-)

Good luck,

xiening wrote:

dear sir/madam:
in Microsoft word and many application of windows, there is "search"
feature which we could find some string in text.
how about the "wildcard".
i want use
char * strstr(A_string, test_string)
    for "match all word only":
how about many wildcards just like following?
*       for any number of any char(s)
[a-h]   for any a to h char
\<      for first head
could you tell me the code that search a A_string by another string with
I find there is no this feature in abiword and gedit. through gnumoric
contains this feature. it is not for wild but for a complete word.
thank a lot for your attention

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