Re: Can't select text after popup menu

Well I'm getting to understand the problem better!

I have text in a scrollable window. When I right-click with the mouse to display a popup menu, something nails the insertion point into the text in that position. Once I've dismissed the popup menu, I need to be able to select the text with the left mouse button, but the insertion point is still firmly nailed where the menu appeared.

Half my previous problem has been solved by
        editable->has_selection = TRUE
so at least now when I drag the mouse cursor across the text it does highlight it up. However, it's still just highlighting with respect to the insertion point.

So it seems to me what I need to do is make the insertion point coincide with the mouse cursor. Or at least free it from where it's been put.

At least I _think_ it's the insertion point. My grasp of the terminology is a bit vague still.

 Just self-replicating, compartmentalised redox chemistry, really.
 Rob Clack                        Acedb Development,  Informatics Group
 email: rnc sanger ac uk                Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
 Tel: +44 1223 494780                   Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Fax: +44 1223 494919                   Hinxton  Cambridge    CB10 1SA

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