RE: 24-bit-per-pixel limit to Gdk RGB ?

But, on the other hand, I must admit I am a bit confused by this issue.

As I understand it, 8 bits per channel will give me 256 levels of
colour for each colour. If I were to make a gradient of red, for
example, in The Gimp, I would expect to see bands of colour in a
red-to-black gradient that is as wide as my monitor (about 1000
pixels), which should make each band about 4 pixels wide. I tried it
and... er... no bands visible.

Yep.  That's 256 bands of color.  Enough colors, that the break between
colors isn't going to be that noticable.  The bands are there, but your
eye can't make them out because they are so small (they blend together).


Yes, an interesting effect.  If you're not sure about it, you can try doing
a screen grab of your 256 color banded image and then use an image program
that will let you zoom in by a large factor (x16, etc) and the band edges
can be seen again!  You can also check out dithering that way as well.

Brian Kaney
bkaney cablelynx com
Tahlequah, OK


Anyway, it's all about approximation.


Thanks for putting up with these questions!


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