How to get Position of GtkTreeIter?

        ***  How to get Position of GtkTreeIter?  ***
 Dear People! Need your suggestions/ideas for this situation:
 In one loop i added some GtkListIter to a Column:
                             &listView->listIter, position);
 Note: I always used the same iterator (address of listView->
 listIter can not be changed in my code).
 Later i have a callback ("changed") that takes action if a
 user of my app selected e.g. the 17'th entry in this list
 fiew that is position 16 (begin of count=0). But callback
 function don't know about this 17'th position. Now, how can i
 get this position?
 I'm searchig for a function like "gtk_list_view_get_position()"
 in cooperation with gtk tree selection mode (value that we'll
 get by calling gtk_tree_view_get_selection(); ). Is anybody
 here who knows about such possibility?
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