GMarkup make loose for element's rule


I've tried string:
"<FONT FACE="MS Sans Serif"><FONT COLOR="#000000">test"
to working-well parser. and got these lines of output;
start tag: FONT
text (0): 
start tag: FONT
1 /* is TRUE returned */

I expected 'text (4): test' at the end of output.
or should I do wrap the "test" with CDATA?
or it's element-pairing problem? but it returned TRUE. so no problem.

reference describe GMarkup is subset of XML parsing,
but I think there's no basis to make GMarkup as XML(of strict);
GMarkup is just another SAX parser,
so there cannot be a check of element-pairing like XML forced.

consequently, I want GMarkup flush text event
even with plain "test", at the end of string; '\0'.

what do you think?

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