Re: Width of label text in gnome dialog

Bryan Brown wrote:

Another bothersome newbie question:

Is there a way to increase or prespecify the width allocated to the label
(child) text in a gnome dialog?  Regardless of the number of action
buttons I put into the dialog, the field containing the text from the
label widget is always the same width (i.e., too small).

I can't seem to find how to set it to a larger size, at least with the
method I'm using.  The code I'm using can be seen in

Here's what my mozilla said about this link:

 Not Found

The requested URL /~bbrown/display_text.c was not found on this server.

I'd presume there's something I could set before calling
gtk_box_pack_start, but it's not obvious to these tired eyes and I'm still

As for gtk+-2.0 you can use gtk_widget_set_size_request function. It takes three
parameters : pointer to widget (your label), width and height.
Hope this'll help.


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