Re: GTK program with no window & how to lose mouse cursor

Tom Knowles <tom peters co uk> writes: 
I tried the programs with no window, as recommended, and this seems more the 
ticket for my purpose. However, I don't seem to be able to get to flat X from 
the gui login, the latter sort of necessary for pure touch operation and, I 
think, the only way into pucker LTSP operation, my next step.  Any 

It depends on how your OS is set up. On Red Hat you can create a new
session in /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions that just runs your app directly
instead of gnome-session etc.

Also, re pixmap/mask to lose the mouse cursor, where/how do I do

Basically you call gdk_window_set_cursor (GDK_ROOT_PARENT (), cursor)
after creating the 1x1 empty cursor; someone out there must have
example code for this, I've seen it several times but can't remember


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