Re: Hello everybody

* Roland Smith <rsmith xs4all nl> [2002-07-19 21:38:47]:
On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 19:18:19 -0400
"Rich Gautier" <rgautier cox net> wrote:

Hi - I've just added myself to this list and was wondering how informal it is.
 I've just started getting back into programming in C and I've got most of the
 base concepts down.  I'd like to be able to develop X-windows applications
 and was wondering whether gtk is the right API to be using if I want to do
 basic X-windows development, and whether there is anything I should know
 about how gtk differs from any other X-windows API?
Well, if you're into SM you could try programming raw Xlib or Xt/Athena :-)

If you're really into C++ you could try Qt. (My coat? It's the asbestos-covered
full-length one, thanks).
No, he should really look into gtkmm if he is into C++.

  - Morten.

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