Re: Changing Tooltips "On The Fly"

jseymour LinxNet com (Jim Seymour) wrote:


So can I simply g_free() that pointer, g_malloc() a new one, and copy
in my new text?

Well, it seems that I *can*.  Or at least things don't go all
kitty-wumpus when I do it.  But the changed tooltip text doesn't show
up :-(.

Anybody know if it's possible to change tooltips text on-the-fly when
all you have available is the pointer to the GtkWidget the tooltip was
attached to?

Putting in a new tooltip with gtk_tooltips_new(), works.  When I do
that, will gtk free() the space occupied by the old tooltip for me?  Or
will I eat memory that way?

Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
jseymour LinxNet com         |    |

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