Re: Buttons within buttons

So, it's probably this way for good.

Can I ask why you don't have the spin button _next_ to the button
instead of inside it?

'cause, for example, gtk_clist_set_column_widget and 
gtk_tree_view_column_set_widget do it :)
Anyway today i solved using this code (it is not a solution of course!).

    /*----Warning, this does not work :-( -----*/
//gtk_clist_set_column_widget (GTK_CLIST (*clist), COL_ALBUM, vboxAlbum);
    /*----At the contrary this work :-) -------*/
    GTK_CLIST(clist)->column[COL_ALBUM].button = vboxAlbum;
    gtk_widget_set_parent (vboxAlbum, clist);

Indeed at the end of this thread i think that the best solution is to update GtkCList and GtkTreeViewColumn to destroy the button inside it and to put the widget that the user want
to use...


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