Re: combo-box vs. gtkoptionmenu

The option menu should always be used, unless the combo box is
editable (i.e. options not found in the list can be typed in).

GtkOption menus have the following problems (from direct personal
1. Cannot display a large amount of items.
2. Are excruciatingly slow when adding a large number of items. ComboBox
is much better, but still a bit on the slow side in Gtk.

In Gtk use option menus only for small lists.

UI experts seem agreed that combo boxes are a horrible UI:

Interesting read. However menus can never handle a large number of items
easily. A Windows combo box does full text selection (not just first
letter) and Gtk can be coaxed into this with some coding. By typing a
few to a handful of characters someone can get to what they want with
minimal effort. With a menu you are forced to scroll, possibly
significantly, with the mouse.

Best Regards,
Norman Black
Stony Brook Software

----- Original Message -----
From: "Havoc Pennington" <hp redhat com>
To: "Koos Jan Niesink" <koos_jan hotpop com>
Cc: <gtk-app-devel-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 03:52 PM
Subject: Re: combo-box vs. gtkoptionmenu

Koos Jan Niesink <koos_jan hotpop com> writes:

I have got a question about the use of combo-boxes and
gtkoptionmenus. What is exactly the use of gtkoptionmenu as
combo-boxes can do the same (as far as I know)? With both one can
a choice out of a list of options, only a combo-box can do more. And
in my opinion the gui of the combo-boxes is better.

The option menu should always be used, unless the combo box is
editable (i.e. options not found in the list can be typed in).

UI experts seem agreed that combo boxes are a horrible UI:


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