RE: window re-size of application?

You have to get the GdkWindow * of the GtkWindow u want to resize and call
the function gdk_window_moveresize (I think) or gdk_window_resize.  There
are two ways of doing it, these functions are defined in the GTK home under

To get the GdkWindow, it must be visible and you can get it by either
calling a gtk function or referring to the GtkWindow's properties, eg:

GtkWindow *win = (get from glade file)
GtkWidget *widget = GTK_WIDGET(win);
GdkWindow *wingdk = widget->window;

There is also a function defined in gtkwindow.h that allows you to get the
GdkWindow from a GtkWindow pointer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig [mailto:craig_gtk wombat ca] 
Sent: 03 February 2002 23:49
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: window re-size of application?

Hi all,
 I wrote an GTK app (initially created using Glade) and am having trouble
one thing with it:

How the heck do i dynamically re-size the main window?
Here's what i mean:  Initially, i create the window with a specified width &
height.  But i have a drop down toggled menu item that i wish to re-draw the
window with a slightly larger width & height when the user selects this

Is there any sort of "gtk_window_resize()" function?
I searched the archives for this list and did find a "gdk_window_resize()",
i dont' think that is what i want, is it?

Also, do i have to pass in the 'main_window' pointer into the toggled

Any ideas/suggestions/ or places i could look for code examples would be

Here's a couple code snippets from my app:

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