Re: Re: gtk+ and MPI

Thank you for your help.  I'll play with it some once my test machine(s)
are back up.
Too bad the beowulf at work uses a queying system that does not allow
interactive programs.

BTW both my test and work machines use MPICH

Jim Parker

On Sun, 03 Feb 2002, Stewart Adcock wrote:
Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2002 22:59:18 +0000
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
From: Stewart Adcock <stewart bellatrix pcl ox ac uk>
CC: Jim Parker <hopeye cfl rr com>, filipe marreiros
<f_marreiros hotmail com>
Sender: gtk-app-devel-list-admin gnome org
Subject: Re: gtk+ and MPI


As requested, I've attached some trivial example code.  Actually two 
pieces of trivial code.  How you need the GUI and MPI portions of your 
code to interact will determine which is most appropriate.  The first 
attachment, hello_world_mpi3.c, contains the code that Filipe is 
probably most interested in.  I hope that the fact that both examples 
work is a sufficient answer to Jim's queries.

This code works with LAM/MPI, and I assume that it will work with other 
implementations too.

One comment that I would make is that it is a good idea to choose your 
master process such that X communication is avoided, if possible.
(i.e. don't use "if (rank==0)".  Instead, use MPI_Get_processor_name() 
and compare that to the localhost name)

Stewart Adcock   stewart linux-domain com
Dept. Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego
4234 Urey Hall, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0365 USA
lab: +1 858 534 0956 home: +1 858 453 2577

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