Re: using terminal

On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 16:40, horrorvacui gmx net wrote:
On 04 Dec 2002 12:00:15 +0000
Rui Homem <m3moh gmx net> wrote:
My question is:
i need a terminal widget, i tried to use zvtterm but i got to many
trouble for me to solve, so i search for another solution and i found
vte. Can some one tell me how to work with vte (may be sending me some
code for me to study it), is there a better solution, where should i
look for information.

I failed with zvtterm too, choosing vte instead seems to be a wise thing
to do (zvtterm is deprecated anyway). Download vte:
untar and install it - I like installing those things to usr, using the
./configure --prefix=/usr

I haven't got very far with using it, the only snippet of code I've got is
just a primitive creation of the widget and forking of the shell (don't
forget to #include <vte/vte.h>):

 ZvtTerminal *term;

This is something confusing me?
Why ZvtTerminal when using the vte widget instead of the zvt widget?
should this not be VteTerminal *term; ?

      box=gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 3);
                              NULL, NULL,
                              NULL, NULL,
      gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (box), term, TRUE, TRUE, 10);

...and then you can put the box in a toplevel window, remember to pass gcc
-L/usr/lib -lvte, compile the thing, and hope it works. It does here, but

Can anyone tell me how to get a gui created in glade-2 to pass along
that line?

many thanks


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Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave
of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it
would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat. 

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