Re: Window/menu positions

On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 11:04:11PM +0100, R Georgeson wrote:
I want to make a menu (of people let's say) which pops up to allow 
you to select a name at the appropriate stage. I also want it to 
appear in a particular part of the top level window. There seems to 
be a function to set the position of the menu (though it's not 
entirely clear what the units of x and y are - pixels?) but I can't 
find anything to get the x, y, w & h of the top level window.

GtkWidget *win = ....
gint x, y;

gdk_window_get_position(win->window, &x, &y);

Supplementary question: having popped the menu up I'd like to be able 
to select an item by typing enough charcters to get to it, like 
ncurses menus. There could be a couple of hundred items and frigging 
about with the mouse would on each entry would take forever. Can you 
point me at any useful functions?

That's no longer a GTK menu, I'd say.  If you have so many options that
need to be presented I'd suggest using a different design.

Or, could you do something where you have submenus like:


      Evan Martin
martine cs washington edu

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