Re: Mixing toolkits under a single frame

Josh Howard <jrh vicor-nb com> writes:
So, I'm in the middle of converting an app from Xaw to Gtk and it
would be convenient if I could somehow convert or still display a
widget created with XtCreateManagedWidget() under a window created
with gtk_window_new() or some other appropriate function. Is there
someway to perhaps combine a gtk Window and a shell created with an 
XtAppInitialize() call, or shove gtk widgets under the shell created?

There isn't an easy way, no. Netscape has some code for it probably,
to do legacy plugins, but I doubt it's easy to extract or really does
what you want.

The easiest thing might be to implement the plug side of
GtkPlug/GtkSocket in Motif. But that's hard enough that it may well be
easier to just port your app.


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