RE: small example app to study?

  Dear Jonathon,

  If you are willing to learn the tiniest bit of python, I'd recommend
learning gtk+ in the following way:

  1) Use pygtk for a while. Make a few windows, learn to add some items,
register callbacks, and what not.
  2) Convert a pygtk program to C.
  3) Program apps in C.

  Pygtk programming is really quick and easy.

  I've got a collection of notes that I used while working with PyGTK:

  Converting from python to C is then REALLY easy; It's very formulaic.

  After that, you can program directly to C.

  At least, this is what has worked for me.

  PyGTK comes with some small sample app programs.
  These can be really helpful, to see how things are done.
  Unfortunately, they are more of a demonstration, than they are a usable

  You might want to surf FreshMeat for some GTK+ using programs.
  They tend to have several small programs for reading.

  Take care,
    Lion =^_^=

-----Original Message-----
From: j mckitrick [mailto:jcm FreeBSD-uk eu org]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:04 PM
To: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: small example app to study?

hi all,

i would like to find a small gtk app that ties everything together.  maybe a
dialog-based app or something similar.  it would be nice to see some
examples of basic unix programming as well, since i am migrating from win32
to unix.  i starting looking at an email client, but that is a bit too
large.  are there any other apps where i can study the source and start
getting a better idea of gtk use?


When I die, I want to go in my sleep, like my grandfather.
Not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

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