Hiding a part of a Paned Window

Hi All,

I was looking thru the archives to see if this might have come up, and I
was kind of surprised not to find this.

I am trying to create an "editor" where the lower portion of a VPaned
window can be hidden/shown by selecting a menu item. I can get the
widget in the lower pane to "hide" itself, but the pane/window does not
redraw itself. I figured that I would try removing the widget from the
lower pane altogether, but this does not seem to matter. Even after I
resize the main window (manually), the pane thinks that the lower part
has my widget still in it, and allocates the space for the non-exsistent

I would figure that I could just resize the pane in code, but does this
hide the "split-point" control for the pane (I would like it to be gone,
it just looks cleaner).

Do I have to "reparent" all of the elements so that I am no longer using
a VPaned widget? This seems like a lot of work for such a simple

Is there some function within any of the paned windows that controls
visibilty for the individual panes?


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