Re: FW: How does GnomeCanvas scrolling work..?

Best regards,
j, the naive amateur user of obsolete hardware (and doing fine with it).

some people use the word "bloated", but this is of course an
exaggeration, we need to make people buy new computers -- otherwise, wher
could we get our cheap second-hand ones? :-) Myself, I rather write a few
more lines of the code then force the user to install another few gigs of
shared libraries, but that is just my personal opinion[**]

I am being harsh here, because I fear the day when you will have to
install Gnome just to run *any* gtk+ program. This is a naive and biased
view of a guy who is just a biologist writing programs for himself (and I
certainly miss a lot not using GnomeCanvas), but I am not the only one.

No, you are not the only one, I fully agree with everything you said.


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