programming editor

This might be slightly OT, but I noticed that I am not the only one 
that works simultaneously in MSWindows and Gnome.

I am looking - so far unsucessfully - for a graphical, mouse/menu
oriented,  (i.e. no Vi, Emacs. etc...)  programming editor  that 
satisfies the following (non-negotiable!) list of  requirements:

1) Same user interface on both platforms.
2) Has multiple-file search/replace facility.
3) Can do vertical scroll using mouse wheel.
4) Works with global clipboard in both environments.
5) Works reasonably well with large (1-2Meg) (text) data files.
6) Does C language syntax highlight.
7) Can have multiple (single-window) copies running at the same time.

And that is it... nothing more required, nothing less accepted.
Suggestions welcome, to the list if you agree this could be 
of interest to others; to my e-mail otherwise.. 

Anthony K. Transportation Systems - no HTML mail please. 

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