Re: Passing data

Le Jeudi 14 Juin 2001 16:51, vous avez écrit :

How do I pass text from a number of entry widgets to a function from a
signal handler for one button without making the entry widget global.

and if I use a function that creates a hbox sticks some entry widgets in it
and returns it to main how do I access the widgets embedded within the
returned hbox.

Hope the above makes sense :-)


I'm not sure I have understood the whole problem, but I will try to answer.

IMHO you should attach your text to a widget you can retrieve from the button.
1 - you attach the text to widget *wid using 
        gtk_object_set_data(GTK_OBJECT(wid), "text", text);

2 - in the button callback you retrieve this widget (using glade, you can use 
lookup_widget function)

3 - you get back your text using
        gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(wid), "text");

Hope this help you.


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