Re: using memprof/Re: Memory Leakage

Havoc Pennington wrote:
<lots of great info...>

Wow! Thanks for the great summary!  

Am I right in assuming that the yellow bar indicates bytes allocated and
turns blue to indicate bytes being freed?  If, when my application
exits, there's still yellow being displayed, is that necessarily a bad
thing?  I know glib allocates memory in blocks, so if there's still a
chuck left which never got used and hence not freed, would it be
reported as a leak?

When I launch my app under memprof, it's only showing (under the yellow
bar) about 300Kb being allocated (Total Bytes: 324752), but gtop says
it's using 3640Kb on the Memory usage tab! Is this because gtop is
including, for example, shared libraries which other gnome/gtk apps are
using too?

"I'll rob that rich person and give his gold to some poor undeserving
slob.  That will *prove* I'm Robin Hood."
        -- Daffy Duck, "Robin Hood Daffy", [1958, Chuck Jones]

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