GtkCombo focus problems

I have some focus problems using GtkCombo's. I'm using GTK1.2.8 on RedHat 6.2.

I have, in a gnome_dialog a group of GtkEntry widgets preceded by two 
GtkCombo widgets. The first widget in the tab group is the GtkCombo.

With this I have two problems. The first being, when focus is set to the 
first combo (by clicking in the widget) and data is inserted from the 
keyboard, focus is then impossible to change to any other widget in the tab 
group. I can press ^W which clears the combo text and then get focus in other 
widgets such as menus but not any of the other text widgets.

Also, if I use the Tab key to set focus to the next item in the group 
(another GtkCombo) it then creates some kind of race condition as focus 
quickly changes back and forth between the two combos indefinately as if in 
some loop. From that point all I can do is kill the process.

If anyone can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
--Scott Gregory

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