Re: ManEdit 0.4.0d

    Taura> Undefined referance errors to 'guint8'.

    Taura> Again if you take shared sources from Windows and compile them with
    Taura> glib definations you'll get undefined referance errors.

    Taura> This is due to the problem of guint8 not being defined on windows
    Taura> platforms.

    Taura> Again, I said eailier that the sources that do NOT use guint8 in
    Taura> manedit are from Windows shared sources.

The Windows version of GTK/GLib doesn't have this defined?

Nono, let me clarify.

The sources from manedit which do NOT use guint8 declarations are shared
sources from other programs which are portable to windows and other
platforms where glib is not standardly available.

Do you understand now? So I can't use glib declarations with those sources

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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