Re: signals of a GtkWindow

I currently use the destroy signal (as in the simple examples in the  
tutorial), but the main window disappears before the popup window is  
shown. I read in the reference that user defined callbacks are always 
called after default callbacks.                                       
Is there a solution ?                                                 

Try connecting to the 'delete' signal instead (and have your signal
handler return TRUE or FALSE depending on whether you want the system
to proceed with the normal destroy sequence afterwards).

I have another question, about the "full screen" button. What signal  
does it emit ? Because I would like my window to be full screen when  
it opens.                                                             
I guess it simply sends a 'configure' event after redefining the windows'
x and y extents. Declaring the initial size of your window with 
gtk_widget_set_usize should help.

Dr. Martin Kroeker, daVeg GmbH Darmstadt  CAD/CAM/CAQ  mk daveg com
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