Re: gdk_input_add

"Dugas, Alan" wrote:

Currently I'm trying to read a file that gets updated asynchronously.
gtk_timeout_add() seems to cause racing conditions.  gdk_input_add() locks
up my cpu.  Does anyone have a method for asynchonously reading a file that

                                -- Stupid Genius
I've seen some messages regarding gdk_input_add() which advise against using
it to monitor a file (i.e. it will always have data for reading, etc).  Can
anyone comment on this?

Well the following appears to do what you want, if you are typing it at
a shell:

tail --follow --lines=+0  /path/to/file/your/watching

so you could always do the popen( cmd, "r" ) thing to leverage off
an existing solution. I just posted a code snipet on another thread,

Re: OT: capturing stdout & stderr to a GtkText

to do exactly that. Be sure to read the restrictions though.

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