Re: draw at end of "resize" user interaction

tony K. wrote:

Hi  all, here is  a newbie (to GTK+) question:

I am looking for an elegant way to implement the
redrawing of a window only AFTER the user, resiznig
the window, has released the mouse button.

(under windoze (where the code I'm porting is coming from) this is commonly achieved by activating a "re-draw flag" in WM_EXITSIZEMOVE callback message).

Not in faq, nothing in this list's archive...
thank you in advance, Tony K.

This is normally the function of the Window Manager - most modern WMs give users the ability to choose whether they want a window to be redrawn while they resize, or only when they're done resizing. Putting this choice in the hands of users makes sense, since the folks who have faster hardware may *want* to see display updates while resizing.

Timothy M. Shead

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