RE: Scrolled window / Clist limits

Are there upper limits (except for memory) either
on the number of items allowed in a clist, or how
large an area can be put into a scroll window? I
but if there are more items the
scrollbar expands to maximum as if the list is
empty, and scrolling isn't possible. The items in
the clist seem to be there, because I can still
do sorting on it. Any ideas?
   May be you should make your clist fake, i.e. create
  clist with (say) 200 items. And if user select any item
  above 200 we remote those first 200 items and replace
  them with new two hunderd items "page".
  (This is like memory paging with page size of  200 items
  in our case).

PZ. This is looks ugly :-| but it's low memory consumption solution
      and  imho it's more faster than clist with one huge page (20.000

Dmitry Ponomaryov

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