Re: (no subject)

Calum Benson <calum benson ireland sun com> writes:
Dmitry Ponomaryov wrote:

   How can _internationalization_ break GtkFixed container?
   [Themes and user's resizing can break, that's Ok, but
    internatialization?! :-/ - I don't understand it.]

What he meant is that if you make your control a fixed size, and it
contains some text, then that text may be too big to fit in the control
when it is translated to a different language.

PS. "break" is e.g. "make container ugly"?
      [not _real_ (core dump) break?]

Yes... well, I assume so, anyway  :)

Exactly, yes - the translated text can end up being truncated,
overlapping, etc. since it's a different size from the text you used
to create the app.

Also, for right-to-left languages in GTK 2, GtkFixed will defeat GTK's
ability to reverse the interface (normally GTK would flip the layout
so that labels are to the right of labelled things for Arabic, Hebrew,


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