Re: A request for future gdk_scale_pixbuf...

The specific one is that scale_simple allocates a new pixbuf which
then has to be destroyed. I don't want to do this. I avoid dynamic
memory allocation STRENOUSLY in my application; in fact, I have a

GTK in general will cause you problems here. Also, I don't see how to

Yes, but I don't want to create an additional LARGE allocation unless I have to.

scale other than by scaling _to_ something, which means you have to

I scale to a second statically allocated pixbuf. I don't mind having this structure hanging around for the life of my program, because I'm always going to need it. The first few lines of my program are something like this (XPEG_Buffer and Screen_Buffer are statically allocated arrays of RGB data).

        mainwindow = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
        gtk_widget_set_usize(mainwindow, screenX, screenY);

        // Create and clear load and scale pixbufs
        memset(XPEG_Buffer, 0, sizeof(XPEG_Buffer));
pbLoadBuffer = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(XPEG_Buffer, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, JPEG_MAX_X, JPEG_MAX_Y, JPEG_MAX_X * JPEG_PIXEL_SIZE, NULL, NULL); pbScreenBuffer = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data(Screen_Buffer, GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, SCREEN_MAX_X, SCREEN_MAX_Y, SCREEN_MAX_X * SCREEN_MAX_PIXEL_SIZE, NULL, NULL);


        // Get graphics context for main window
        gcWindow = gdk_gc_new(mainwindow->window);

Everything you see there remains allocated for the life of the program.

scale_simple would possibly be suitable for me, or at least no worse than the current scale function, if it took a "destpixbuf" parameter rather than internally allocating a new pixbuf.

changing its aspect ratio. This means that the destination blit
doesn't necessarily start at (0,0), and in "center" mode if the source
is larger than the screen (meaning that only a window out of the
center is being rendered), the source blit doesn't either.

I don't think that should matter, because you are not rendering
straight to the screen. So you can just compute the needed pixbuf
size, then scale to that, then put it wherever you like on the screen,

Not quite. I want to have an offscreen copy of exactly what is going to be shown in the window. To achieve this using the current code, I need to have THREE buffers:

* source buffer
* scale source -> scaled (non-relocated) object
* relocate/clip to offscreen buffer

The reason I want to have an offscreen copy is so that I can bring in the new copy in an attractive or exciting way.

In GTK 2 you can create a "subpixbuf" of the source image, in order to

Aha. That's more like what I'm looking for. Although I guess I can
achieve the same result in 1.0 by using gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data and

Yes, you can do that. Just have to be a bit careful about the memory
management (make sure your "subpixbuf" doesn't hang around later than
your master pixbuf).

As above. I never deallocate anything.

I would generally say the scaling API is too complicated. I just fixed
the 2.0 docs to try to push people toward scale_simple() a bit more
and explain InterpType.

*push push* Come on, gdk_scale_pixbuf_the_way_lewin_likes_it(sourcepbuf,sourcex,sourcey,sourcewidth,sourceheight,destpbuf,destx,desty,destwidth,destheight). How much more intuitive can you get? ;)

If I were you I'd just implement with scale_simple(). I don't see
where the annoying scale() variant is going to get you.

Less susceptible to memory fragmentation, for one thing.

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Embedded Engineer)
Tel (914) 937-4090 9am-6pm ET M-F

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