A request for future gdk_scale_pixbuf...

The current function doesn't operate very intuitively, and it's ambiguous as to what exactly happens to the source pixbuf.

What I mean by this is that :

a) the idea of scaling by separate x,y scale factors and translating the image isn't exactly what I'm used to from other OSs, plus it introduces floating-point inaccuracy worries.


b) the API documentation, as written, implies that the function actually reallocates the source pixbuf and changes the pixels inside it. I am guessing that it really just reads the source pixbuf line by line and performs an implicit transformation before blitting the result to the destination pixbuf, but that's not what the documentation says :)

I was hoping that it worked like the drawing code in (say) OS/2, where you specify a source rect within the source bitmap and a destination rect within the destination bitmap. That way, everything is always an integer.

I guess it's possible to wrap the function to get the behavior I desire, but I'm still working with trying to understand how it works :/

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards (Embedded Engineer)
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Tel (914) 937-4090 9am-6pm ET M-F

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