Re: CList Question...

On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:32:24 -0400 (EDT), Chris Elston said:

I apoligize if this is a common or boring question...
 I'm working with the GtkCList widget for several aspects of an application
 that I am currently working on.  For the most part, it's working great but
 I'm having a slight problem.  Most of my CLists are using a select mode of
 single or browse and I'm trying to find a method of retrieving which ever
 single row is currently selected.  There appears to be a way in the old,
 depricated GtkList widget which is:
 GList *currentlySelected = GTK_LIST(myList)->selected;

For the GtkCList it saves the currently selected row number(s)
in member GList *selection and *selection_end.

So to get the selected rows you would:

gint row = -1;
GList *glist = clist->selection;

while(glist != NULL)
        row = (gint)glist->data;
        glist = glist->next;

So now you get the oldest selected row. There's a more efficient
way to just use selection_end as the starting point ofcourse.

Remember row numbers start at index 0, -1 means none selected
in this example.

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
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