Re: A newbie question...

Tara M Wrote:

Would this complicate things for the user? I've seen many `similar'
ways to compile stuff and they never really seem to work.

Well, this is working very well for me....

Maybe your putting too much GTK dependencies and levels of IO (ie
that mysql stuff) and making it complicated. GTK+ 1.3 is not the
same as the stable GTK+ 1.2.x.

Then is stable enough. Is doing well things that are impossible under

If your doing this now why are you getting into MySQL? Is there
a reason you need to learn both in parallel?

All my apps are database related - specially mysql related. And my
samples are just tests to compare mysql compatibility with GTK+..... and
i discovered that GNU mingw 2.95.2 with GTK+ 1.3 and mysql 3.23.40 are
FULL compatible - my samples with this combo got best results and are
more stable than M$FC counterparts. This implied to me that's learn
GTK/GDK is a good path to jump to linux.

I'm confused at your approach, why are you going into an integrated
development, using GTK+ with MySQL when you haven't understood
GDK yet?

Because first i needed to test GTK with mysql and mingw 2.95.2 to see if
this 'combo' is a good path to convert my apps for then jump to linux.
The result was so good that now i'm starting to learn all about GTK/GDK,
because now i'm sure that i'll can port all my apps to linux without any
undesirable surprise - even the IDE i'm using (Dev-C++) have a linux
port !

That's it : Now i'm a GTK/GDK newbie. And thanks a lot for all clues and
sugestions you all did for me. Thanks for the clues i already did
because this pointed i'm in the right way, and thanks for all new for me
because i have a lot to learn about ! If anyone can point some new
clues, this will be wellcome too !

Mauro Ferreira
mauroferreira enersulnet com br

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