Re: 1 callback,many spins

On 17 Dec, George Timmons wrote:

I'm trying to create a dialog that has a variable number of spinbuttons.
with one callback function to handle them.But how to get the value from
a specific spinbutton into a specific variable. The value from the
first or topmost spin goes into say data[1], then the next value goes
into data[2], etc.Creating the spins with a function is easy as Wright 
shows in his book on Beginning GTk+ but assigning the values is the
Use the adresses of the data[] as the func_data parameters in
gtk_signal_connect. Every callback then has the appropriate data[]'s
address when it's called.

Roland Smith                        "When life hands you a lemon,
r s m i t h @ x s 4 a l l . n l      make lemonade."

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