Re: Combo box and GList

In my application I created a combo box which gets drawn when the
program starts up. The combo box will be holding variable names read
from a file but because the file has not been specified by the user the
combo is blank. After the user selects a file the code parses the data
and extracts a list of variable names which are appended to a GList type
in the following way:

TAMAL_GLBL->variable_index_list =
g_list_append(TAMAL_GLBL->variable_index_list, g_strdup(local_status));

Unfortunately even though the index list gets data appended to it, the
variable names do not display inside the combo box even after running:

while (gtk_events_pending())

Is there a way to get the variables to display after showing the combo
box ?

I think the list of items that the combo box has is internal, meaning when
you set a new list the values are coppied.

If you update the list you passed to the combobox nothing happens because
the combo box has no idea of the list.

What I did was to create a list as a `back buffer', it's used to represent
what the combo box has, whenever I need to add or remove something I just
modify that list and add it to the combo box again each time I update the

Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
-Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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