Re: Syntax highlighting theory implmentation

learfox furry ao net wrote:

lfan> Hi, I need to write a simple app for our company (OpenSource and
lfan> non-commercial), it involes a text editor that needs a GtkText widget
lfan> that handles syntax highlighting.

lfan> Nothing fancy, just to highlight some words like `if' and `then'.

Hmmm,  it's the same thing. You still must implement a complete syntax
highlighting algorithm.


First, I recommend you don't develop a new editor which support syntax
highlighting.  It's a big work, that others did before, you don't need
to  invent  the  wheel  again.  GtkEditor is a very nice editor, whose
scanners  are  easy  to  understand and to wrote. But they're problems
with  it : It is based on tktext-port, which is now not maintained any
more. So, it will be stable only when Gtk+ 2.0 is out. But it is based
on  flex  which  is the best way to implement syntax highlighting. You
can  find it at . But they're still bugs, in
tktext-port (obviously, but they'll be fixed when Gtk2 is out), and in
GtkEditor (that's not a stable version).
Otherway,  you  can  take  a look at GtkExText, or GtkScText, and some
others   which   I  guess  are  listed in the Gtk+ Widgets list, whose
address  I  can't recall. But they're based on regex, with the code of
the old GtkEditor branch (before 0.10).

If   you   still  want  to  develop  your  own  editor,  I've  just  a
recommendation   :   Use  Flex. Flex was done to perform such actions.
And it is in the Ten Commandments of the C Programmers, that's a reference :-)

lfan> Thanks in advance!

lfan> --
lfan> Sincerely,                  ,"-_                         \|/
lfan> -Capt. Taura M.             ,   O=__                    --X--
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lfan> OMNOUMmnne.                  {OMMNNNEEEEOO=_
lfan> UOOOBIOOOEOMMn.               'LONMMMMNNEEEOOO=.__..,,..


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