Changing colors

Hi all,

I'm trying to change the color of a line inside a drawing area to show
as a grid. I am currently drawing the grid in the following manner where
widget->style->white_gc draws the line in white. How can I have it drawn
in say green?


   q = y_range / y_scale;

   for(p = (int)miny; p <= q; ++p)
        gdk_draw_line (pixmap, widget->style->white_gc,  0,
pixmap_height - (p * y_grid_scale),  pixmap_width, pixmap_height - (p *

Marco Quezada
Aerospaceo Engineero
NLX Corporation
22626 Sally Ride Dr.
Sterling, VA, 20164
mquezada nlxcorp com
703-234-2100 x1028

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