Re: How to get the widget type

 On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 12:03:56PM -0600, MC_Vai wrote:

      1.- I get memory with g_malloc for a struct containing 2 arrays:
          one for widget pointers and the other for integers (both are
          8 items size).

You did not get memory with g_malloc, you used automatic arrays:

        typedef struct _ABentries ABentries;
        struct _ABentries {
           GtkWidget *arrentries[8];
           int        gotentries[8];   /* Just a flags to see if */
                                       /* there's some text entered *
                                       /*  in the entries */

      2.- Other fcn (which is passed the struct * recently obtained)
          makes the 8 pointers gtk_entries pointers with
          mystruct->arr[0] = gtk_entry_new();
          /* ... some code for the other 7 entries ... */
      3.- Set the callbacks for the entries (e.g., 'mycallback')
      4.- The whole thing is packed into a table and is showed in a

At this moment your function returns and the arrays are lost.

You should g_malloc the arrays, add them as object data to the window,
with g_free as the destroy notify function, and give the window as
data to the callback. Then the callback can read the window's object
data and so locate the entries:

  values = (GtkWidget **)
        g_malloc((NUM_NEW_OBSERVATION_FIELDS-1) * sizeof(GtkWidget *));
  gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (dialog), "values", 
                                                        (gpointer) values, (GtkDestroyNotify) g_free);

  button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Voeg toe");
  gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked",
                                         (gpointer) dialog);

in the callback:
  values = (GtkEntry **)
        gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (dialog), "values");

Simon Pepping
email: spepping scaprea hobby nl

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