Re: [gthumb-list] bugs?

Il 07/08/2016 22:59, Paolo Benvenuto ha scritto:
Hi guy!

I think this two issues regarding cropping should be addressed:

1 - when the crop rectangle touches the photo's right border, it cannot
be resized any more; it must be moved left in order to be able to resize
it. I intend this is a long standing bug
this is the intended behaviour, because it needs to respect the aspect 
2 - the "invert aspect ratio" check box was working as expected in
previous versions, i.e. the initial rectangle had the photo aspect
ration if the check box wasn't checked. In current releases the
behaviour confuses the user: I don't understand whether the behaviour is
impredictable, or perhaps the rectangle is presented with the aspect
ratio of the last time a photo was cropped. I think previous behaviour
was preferable.
the initial rectangle depend on the aspect ratio you choose, choose the 
'image' aspect ratio and you get the same aspect ratio of the image, the 
last used settings are saved.
Thank you for your attention.

don Paolo Benvenuto

- Paolo

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