Re: Re: Hebrew in GTetrinet?

El lun, 26-05-2003 a las 09:30, Lev Tzuladze escribió:
> Yes, that's what i mean, whenever someone writes something in hebrew, all i see is spaces and the numbers that they write (if any), so is there a way i could make gtetrinet show hebrew, and if not, could you include support for it in the next version?

It's a matter of encodings. I know nothing about Hebrew, but I think
that Hebrew characters need a enconding different than ASCII, even 8-bit
ASCII. GTetrinet, as it is, will encode characters with your current
locale encoding. If you and your partners are using the same encoding,
you shouldn't have any problems. But if you are using Linux, and your
partners Windows, well there might be problems. I don't know which
encoding is using windows, but I bet it will not be the same that the
one you're using.

I think that UTF-8 supports Hebrew characters, maybe not. If you and
your friends use Linux, set your locale encoding to that and everything
should be running fine. You can also ask in some Hebrew users mailing
list, or IRC channel.

Anyway, it is no GTetrinet problem, aside from the fact that we lack a
Hebrew translation... anyone? :)

#include <gnome.h>

// By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante
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