Re: Opinions on multi-source search

On Wed, 2010-06-02 at 10:59 +0200, Iago Toral wrote:
> 4) Some plugins are not implementing cancel() properly, I realized
> this when 
> implementing the cancellation support for the multiple search. I filed
> bugs 
> about this in bugzilla

I fixed them.

> 5) The count parameter is a maximum total count.
>   - for exmaple if you request count = 100 and you have 4 searchable
> sources 
> it will search each one with count=25
>   - I think it could be better to let this parameter be the count for
> each individual 
> source instead, so that if you request count = 100 it will request
> count=100 
> for each individual source available.

IMHO, and in order to be coherent with single-source search(), count
would be the total results user is interested, no matter from which
sources come them.

Saying this, I see this grl_multiple_search(count) as:

1) Search all plugins in parallel, using count for each of them.
2) As results are coming, send them to user.
3) When count results are sent, cancel search operations in sources (if
available), discarding remaining data.

> As for future work:
> 1) This implementation might need additional work to ensure it works
> in situations 
> like plugins being unloaded while a multiple operation is being
> performed on 
> them.

Didn't check it, but can this happen also when searching a single


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