Re: get_transform crashes with pygoocanvas0.14

Le vendredi 26 juin 2009 à 08:20 +0200, bruno a écrit :
> Le jeudi 25 juin 2009 à 22:46 -0700, Brandon Lewis a écrit :
> > I also run ubuntu 9.04 and goocanvas seems to work fine for me, though I am on 
> > 64-bit. I tested it with the following script:
> Thanks for the test. Your script crashes on my side, I have probably
> screwed something on my system.

I found what's going on. By default Ubuntu ships with python-cairo
1.4.12 (on 9.04 and currently on 9.10 as well).

But pygoocanvas requires a pycairo >= 1.8.0

I installed pycairo 1.8.4 but it is installed by default
in /usr/local/lib. When I run a pygoocanvas application, obviously the
installed version in /usr/lib is used. I made a link 
-> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cairo/

and it works.

Next stage, that's a real mess, what is the process to distribute a
pygoocanvas application. Why does goocanvas 0.14 requires cairo 1.4
while pygoocanvas requires pycairo 1.8 ?

Bruno Coudoin  Free educational software for kids  Logiciel Libre à Toulouse     Promouvoir et défendre le Logiciel Libre

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