hello @all,
probably silly question, but actually driving me nuts ... hope for simple help ...
all results in my various patched and original 'standard double' and 'long' versions log fails
for this test as shown below I.) ( plenty times 'No samples for ... ' and the roundtrips split
the sheet in plenty small chunks ).
the fails are supressed by normalize? or 'ignore fails'? the tests pass, i considered it normal,
but when i wanted to look if the details are relevant for my work i spotted 1 - only one!
in 28 results i kept - which was better, see below II.) it's from a heavily patched 'long' version.
thus i think there is something not ok, or could be better ... i tried:
- producing 'working' installations from copies of the one working installation:
two times failed, two worked, where the system in general is the same and i did almost the
same steps, copy the directory, confect, make, install ( inside the 'WHENCE' system by
John Denker ),
- try various ways of making, patching, installing, unpatched and patched double and long
versions: all failed,
- make clean and new builds, no help,
- check a fresh pulled unpatched double version inside 'WHENCE', fails,
- check a double installation outside from WHENCE, fail,
- the results are stable within each installation, most fail, actually I have 3 working 'long'.
I assume the second log shows how it should work, but can't figure aout what it depends on :-(
anyone any clue? would be great!
failing logs I.):
No samples for getpivotdata
No samples for hexrep
No samples for atl_last
No samples for cumipmt
No samples for cumprinc
No samples for db
plenty more 'No samples ...' entries,
No samples for periodogram
t6590-samples.pl: Check documentation samples gnumeric roundtrip.
t6590-samples.pl: Check documentation samples ods roundtrip.
--- samples.xml>2022-03-10 07:58:24.993989960 +0000
+++ samples-new.xml<--->2022-03-10 07:58:24.997989960 +0000
@@ -78,7 +78,152 @@
<gnm:errors PrintErrorsAs="GNM_PRINT_ERRORS_AS_DISPLAYED"/>
- <gnm:StyleRegion startCol="0" startRow="0" endCol="255" endRow="65535">
+ <gnm:StyleRegion startCol="0" startRow="0" endCol="255" endRow="60">
+ <gnm:Style HAlign="GNM_HALIGN_GENERAL" VAlign="GNM_VALIGN_BOTTOM" WrapText="0" ShrinkToFit="0" Rotation="0" Shade="0" Indent="0" Locked="1" Hidden="0" Fore="0:0:0" Back="FFFF:FFFF:FFFF" PatternColo
+ <gnm:Font Unit="10" Bold="0" Italic="0" Underline="0" StrikeThrough="0" Script="0">Sans</gnm:Font>
plenty similar fails ...
better log II.):
t6590-samples.pl: Check documentation samples gnumeric roundtrip.
t6590-samples.pl: Check documentation samples ods roundtrip.
t6590-samples.pl: Check documentation samples xls/BIFF8 roundtrip.
+ <gnm:Geometry Width="768" Height="768"/>
- <gnm:MaxCol>0</gnm:MaxCol>
+ <gnm:MaxCol>255</gnm:MaxCol>
one more small difference,