Re: Using logfit on worksheet - please describe thoroughly for a dummy

The unreadable characters might be a bug, please file a bug report and
attach a sample screenshot (or, better, a sample workbook).

When you enter an array formula as iut is the case for fitting, you need
to select the cells which will receive all the results, type the formula
and then Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Hope this helps,

Le samedi 05 mai 2012 à 10:58 +0300, Igors Mihailovs a écrit :
Dear helpful people,
As LOGFIT function returned regression equation on a chart with some
characters unreadable (between a and b, or some parts of them), I
tried to use it on worksheet. Help says it should return an array with
5 numerical results. But how can I view these results on a worksheet?
Only the 1st one is displayed in the cell where the function is
entered. I suppose I should point explicitly to the cells where I want
results to appear, but how? I googled a lot but haven't found
anything, at least anything I could understand.
Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,
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