docstrings describing Python functions

Hi all,

I use Gnumeric 1.10.16 with Python 2.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04. My first 
Python function for gnumeric works, so far so good. But I cannot make 
any docstring show up in the GUI. I've tried 1st the '@... method (it 
does not work in case of the functions defined in the py-func module 
included in the gnumeric distribution, too!!), 2nd a docstring between
triple singe or double quotes, resp., and 3rd a self-defined global 
tuple named according to the variables I found in some C plugin 
functions (in case of C functions, all the docstrings show up in the 
GUI!) ...

What am I doing wrong or is there a flaw in the Python plugin? Can 
somebody please help? Should I post some code?

My plan is to make numpy's/scipy's multiple-precision capabilities 
available to gnumeric using the python plugin. Does anybody think that
is nonsense?

HTH, Schorsch

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