[function] MINIF

Firstly, sorry for my english.

My name is Leonel, I'm studying in a master degree course at University of Campinas, Brazil. I'm working with combinatorial optimization and I'm using the gnumeric to data analysis.

I'm using a combination between 'if' and 'min' function creating a kind of 'minif' like 'someif' or 'countif'. For example I put in a cell the following _expression_:


This function would create a new set where if the value in Ak, with 2 <= k <=1000, is equal to A1, the set would receive the value corresponding Bk and the value 10000 in the other case.

I was using a gnumeric version 1.6.3 and this association of functions was possible, but in the computer of my advisor, the gnumeric version is 1.8.2 and this combination isn't possible. I tried to use other gnumeric versions and this association wasn't possible.

Can someone help me? Would be possible in the next update, this association become possible again.

Thanks, Leonel Carlos Pereira

Leonel Carlos Pereira
Computer Scientist
Universidade Federal de Itajubá
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação
msn: leonelcp hotmail com

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