Re: compiling error for gnumeric 1.2.13

1.12.13 is pretty old! Seems you need libgsf 1.12.1 which seems to be
the latest release with the ancient versions of GSF_CLASS_FULL and


Le vendredi 05 septembre 2008 à 17:50 +0200, yves champagnac snecma fr a
écrit :

I try to install gnumeric on an Altix SGI running with Suse enterprise
9 sp3 or 10 sp1. 
Because of GTK+ version installed on these O.S., the lastest gnumeric
version I can install is gnumeric v.1.2.13. 
After configure, when I run make, it stops with an error in the
gnumeric-expr-entry.c file : 

gnumeric-expr-entry.c:515:65:error: macro " GSF_CLASS_FULL" requires
10 arguments, but only 7 given 

How can I workaround this problem without upgrading standards packages
of Suse ? 

Thanks for any solution 

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