Re: GMAE build for libgsf

After thinking about the subject a little bit more, to drop bonobo
support from libgsf would be too radical. So I coded a small patch to
make the support optional and attached it to bug #442205

In my opinion it's the less intrusive solution.

Best Regards, Etrunko.

On 5/29/07, Dominic Lachowicz <domlachowicz gmail com> wrote:

AbiWord doesn't require Bonobo, though there are various bits that it
may optionally use. The case mentioned below is dead code and can be
safely removed. Other places should live behind a conditional such as
"#ifdef HAVE_BONOBO". If they don't, that can be considered a bug and
should be fixed.

I also wonder if it might make sense to start a libgsf backend that
supports GVFS in the nearish future.


On 5/29/07, Ryan Pavlik <abiryan ryand net> wrote:
> Eduardo Lima wrote:
> > On 5/29/07, Ryan Pavlik <abiryan ryand net> wrote:
> >> As AbiWord now uses libgsf throughout but does not require GNOME, I'm
> >> guessing we don't use bonobo either, though I can't say for sure.
> >>
> >> Ryan
> >>
> >
> > I've also searched in Abiword code and found some uses of gsf/bonobo
> > in trunk. For example here:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Where you can find a call to gsf_input_bonobo_new and another one to
> > gsf_output_bonobo_new.
> >
> >
> CC'ing the AbiWord list so that I don't pretend to be more of an expert
> than I am.
> Ryan

Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums.

Eduardo de Barros Lima
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
eblima gmail com

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