Re: New Gnumeric icon

Updated gnumeric.ico to show also 22x22 size (in both 32bit and 8bit).

On 7/27/07, Vinicius Depizzol <vdepizzol gmail com> wrote:

I created the icons using IcoFX that Pedro suggested. The formats I used are:

- 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 in True Color + Alpha Channel (32bit)
- 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16 in 256 Colors (8bits)

PS: If you need to edit it, IcoFX works nicely under Wine.

On 7/27/07, Pedro Lino <plino cripsul ipimar pt> wrote:
I ended up using the debian 'icoutils' to merge the new tango icons
into a package for 1.7.11.  All the sizes are there, we're just
missing the lower bit levels.  Does anyone know how fallback is
handled in that case ?
Under Windows you can use the freeware IcoFx (
create an ico file that has all sizes at all bit levels. I could ask
directly to Vinicius or I can do that...
Which sizes and lower bit levels do you need? Just down to 4bit I assume...

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Vinicius Depizzol
vdepizzol gmail com

Vinicius Depizzol
vdepizzol gmail com

Attachment: gnumeric.ico
Description: image/icon

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