Re: Translated functions are feasible (was: Re: Translate gnumeric functions)

In French, probably not, but it is theoretically possible anyway, so it
must be addressed. Using fr_xxxx does not seem a good idea. In french,
functions have the same name in excel and OoCalc, it should be the same
in gnumeric. The best solution is to use only the localized version,


Le dimanche 03 décembre 2006 à 08:24 +0200, Uri David Akavia a écrit :
From my admittedly not complete knowledge of French, I can't think of
a single case like that. Are you sure something like that even exists?
I'd be interested in hearing examples from the list, if such exist.
Maybe like Christian said - we can start a web site to translate
function names. If we find overlaps, we can deal with them then.
One option is to have a not-exact translation, lets say fr_xxxx for
the meaning in French, and xxxx for the meaning in English.


Uri David

On 12/3/06, Andreas J. Guelzow <aguelzow taliesin ca> wrote:
Wow. What about conflicts? It is perceivable that the same string stands
for two different functions, i.e. the string xxxx in english might be
function 1 and in some other language it might be function 2!

Andreas J. Guelzow
Pyrenean Shepherds

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